Hi, I’m Cas! A multimedia design student at Zuyd. I love
Identity branding.

Kelly Beauty&More product shoot

Product photography shoot advertising beautyproducts for social media posts.

Ut Bakkes Maasband menu design

Redesign of the menu of a small brasserie which resembles the visual identity of the webpage.

Short documentary: De code die groenten doet groeien

A short documentary aimed to raise awareness of the importance and the often unknown quantity of code in our daily lives.

Leesfestival brand identity

Creating the complete identity of a reading-centered festival.

Kelly Beauty&More product shoot

Client: Kelly Beauty&More, 2024

Kelly Beauty&More reached out to me as she was looking to upgrade her social media posts(mainly Instagram and Facebook). She wanted to highlight some of the products she uses and sells in her salon. We experienced with different angles, light situations and other items and accessories which would enhance the photo. Unique and more professional looking photo's would help her stand out from the rest of the beautymarket.

icon of thedesignpapers-logo icon of thedesignpapers-logo icon of thedesignpapers-logo icon of thedesignpapers-logo mockup of a designed menu

Ut Bakkes Maasband Menu design

Client: Ut Bakkes Maasband, 2024

mockup of a designed menu

Small local brasserie Ut Bakkes in Maasband asked me to design a new, bigger and better menu for them. Their old menu was outdated, pricing needed to be adjusted and a few of their dishes were not even on the card yet. Using the same visual identity as fonts and colours I used on their website a few years back, I created the menu whose style could be traced back to the website and was therefore recognisable to the customer.

I also introduced photography to the menu, so some dishes can be highlighted, and the customer can see the key values of the place; homemade dishes and specialities, passion in what they do and old-fashioned conviviality.

photo of the menu of a brasserie Ut Bakkes Maasband photo of the menu of a brasserie Ut Bakkes Maasband

Short documentary: "De code die groenten doet groeien"

Client: School project, 2023

During the last fase of my first year at Zuyd Hogeschool, we were asked to create workshops teaching young kids their first steps in the world of computer coding. Besides actually giving and organising the multiple workshops, we were also expected to create a video-product, and my team and I decided to make a documentary.

In the documentary we try to find out how computer code and automated systems play a role in our daily lives, and how (un)aware we are of that. During the project, I took the lead of the making of the documentary, while the others focussed on the other tasks at hand. I planned the multiple interviews, wrote the script, was the man behind the camera and did all of the edit work afterwards. See the full documentary below.

Leesfestival branding

Client: School project, 2022

Leesfestival is a fictional annual festival which would take place in Maastricht in 2023. As a pair, we are tasked with the entire branding of this festival; from the logo to the campaign materials to the website and everything in between.

posters of the leesfestival 2023

The festival aims to get young people reading more. So the branding style also targets these young people. We used many different advertising options, including bus shelters, posters, social-media posts and signage in the city.

brochure of leesfestival 2023 large bus-shelter poster of leesfestival 2023 bookmark of a festival about reading large bus-shelter poster of leesfestival 2023

More about me

I'm Cas van Mulken, 24 years old and I am currently in my 2nd year of my Communication and Multimedia Design course in Maastricht.

I have always been interested I making things that would make people say "that looks cool!". This can be in the field of graphic design, but photo and video are also things I like to do and have found my passion in. I see myself as a creative perfectionist who is only satisfied when everything is as I imagined it in my head. I quickly become interested in something and am also naturally very curious, constantly seeking new knowledge and improving what I already have. I am a problem solver who looks for the best creative solution for every situation.


During my study so far, I have worked with the most common software of the Adobe Suite: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign and Premiere Pro. I know my way around a camera very well and can shoot photo as well as video. I have worked in teams with other students but also did quite a bit of individual projects.

In my personal life I have a very big interest in football and football culture, indierock music, running and being in nature and around greenery.

Get in touch!

Send me a message @: casvanmulken@outlook.com